
Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me Monday - 6/1/09

Join in with MckMama, and half the world, in the blog craze, "Not Me Monday".

Are you feeling guilty for pretending not to notice your toddler playing with the dogfood? Feel like a slouch for staying in your jammies all day? We'll don't! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfections and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!

While entertaining guests at our rural establishment, I would never let my kids and the guests' kids play with a random toad they found minding it's own business in the grass. I wouldn't carry on conversations with my guests acting like I didn't just hear them name it Hoppy, like it's a pet, and allow said toad to plunge to the concrete repeatedly from any apparatus the kids could find. Don't toads carry a plethora of germs. What parent would use a germ-infested creature to entertain guests? No one would seriously do that! Nor would anyone secretly giggle when the children come in the house and mention that Hoppy is dead! Poor guy. I mean hypothetically, of course.

And before our guests came, I would never bribe our offspring into helping clean the house. I mean is a cookie a valid way to earn your keep? Aren't parents supposed to teach their kids that they should clean up their own things JUST BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO! I mean my husband and I definitely have this parenting thing down pat, and we always use teachable moments to show our kids right from wrong.

When someone asks my eldest child where she got that cute outfit, and she replies honestly that it is from a garage sale, I wouldn't even think about fibbing that it's from Baby Gap, Old Navy, or Gymboree, and laughing it off as kids just being silly. Remember, I use all teachable moments to teach right from wrong and lying is just not something I would ever model to my children!

And lastly, I would not wait until nine o'clock at night on Monday to post my first "Not Me Monday" blog, knowing full well, no one is likely to read it until Tuesday. I mean it. I'm completely into the craze.




  • At June 2, 2009 at 8:34 AM , Blogger ksjjr said...

    Did you really let your little ones play with a frog???? You ??? Do you realize they have warts and junky gross stuff? Ewwww, I would never let my girls play with such things. (ha,ha,ha). Luv'n the blog.


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