
Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Me Monday - 6/8/09

Well, the later part of last week was dedicated to the preparations for our garage sale, which was Saturday and Sunday. So most of the things that I did not do took place during the actual garage sale or the preparing for said event.

I did not coax my three-year-old into an oh-so-cute sales pitch with as many customers as I could. She comes up with that stuff all on her own.

I would never forget to give my very own kids lunch. Even in the hustle, bustle of hosting a garage sale. Furthermore, it wouldn't even be remotely like me to give them snacks all day to avoid giving them lunch. Even if the snacks were nutritious, like raison, rice cakes and graham crackers. No snacks take the place of a healthy lunch, right? Oh and by the way, I always give my kids healthy lunches, too!

I would not see my loving husband for only approximately 30 minutes on my birthday, which was just about enough time to collect my birthday present. NO not THAT present! Geez, where is your mind! I'm talking about my Reese cups and fancy new toothbrush that I've been asking for (and the new tennis shoes that I have to pick out myself before leaving for Europe). Sorry honey! We'll find time together another day.

Oh, and in case you were wondering... I did not make $200.00 at the garage sale, and more importantly, got rid of a bunch of junk!

And, with that, we're off for another week of perfect parenting at it's finest and children that are always well-behaved!


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